Photo by John Han. |
(Updated Notice From The Publisher) It was originally conceived that this website would be a platform for anyone to express any view, uncensored, as long as they were relevant to the taxi industry.
The idea was that any reader who then subsequently may have found an author's views to be frivolous could comment in the comment box, and effectively correct any erroneous statements, views, etc. For example, in comments made under the entry entitled, "San Francisco Taxi Driver Robbed Again, April 22, 2011. By Dean Clark.", it is conceivable that the author could be edified by the responses from readers, and thus influence an author's original outlook.
The idea was that any reader who then subsequently may have found an author's views to be frivolous could comment in the comment box, and effectively correct any erroneous statements, views, etc. For example, in comments made under the entry entitled, "San Francisco Taxi Driver Robbed Again, April 22, 2011. By Dean Clark.", it is conceivable that the author could be edified by the responses from readers, and thus influence an author's original outlook.
But as a response to the comments made under that entry, changes have been made to the "Submit A Post" section. Any future submissions will be checked for factual accuracy, spelling and grammar, and "descriptive accuracy". Submissions will be sent back to the author for corrections and changes when necessary. If you're interested, click on "Submit a Post" to see new criteria.
Also, an anonymous person put a fair, but critical comment about taxi drivers on "Ask A Cab Driver". Here's the person's comment, and then my response.