Tariq Mehmood is the key organizer of the strike likely to happen
on Tuesday, June 21st. File photo by John Han. |
Here are some newspaper articles reporting more details about this Tuesday's taxi strike.
According to the
SF Examiner and other sources I spoke with over the phone, the protest will be at City Hall between 12 noon and 2 PM. Taxi drivers are expected to hold themselves out of service and either circle City Hall honking horns or park their taxis during those hours.
And the
SF Weekly thinks there's enough momentum growing.
Also, medallion holder Brad Newsham will stage a photo op at 12:30 PM.
As part of the event, a photograph of cab drivers standing together in solidarity will be taken PROMPTLY at 12:30 PM in front of City Hall. Newsham is calling for cab drivers who want to part of the photo to meet near the American flag in Civic Center Plaza, across the street from City Hall, Polk St. side.
"PLEASE ARRIVE NO LATER than 12:15 PM, and look for someone handing out instructions with the exact details," Newsham says. Here is Newsham's message to the industry...